Keywords: customer service culture, agricultural sector, agricultural enterprises, competitive advantages, CRM, marketing, brand personality


The article comprehensively analyzes the process of formation and development of customer service culture in agricultural enterprises, focusing on how this aspect directly affects the economic indicators of companies. In today's conditions, high customer orientation is not only a pleasant characteristic of the company, but also one of the key factors of success, which provides significant competitive advantages in the market. In particular, companies that pay significant attention to customer service receive clear advantages over those that do not invest enough in this area. The article examines in detail the tools and methods that help agricultural enterprises to improve the quality of service, as well as external and internal factors that contribute to or, on the contrary, hinder the construction of a company with a clearly expressed service orientation. Special attention is paid to the role of digital tools in the transformation of approaches to customer orientation. In particular, it is shown that the catalyst for the development of service culture is the introduction of customer relationship management systems (CRM), effective marketing tools, and the formation of common cultural values among employees. Such systems not only help to better understand the needs of customers but also allow businesses to adapt their services to individual requests, thereby increasing the level of customer loyalty. Additionally, the integration of artificial intelligence and data analytics into these systems provides deeper insights into customer behavior, enabling predictive modeling and personalized offers. This contributes to building stronger relationships, enhancing the overall customer experience, and fostering long-term partnerships. Consequently, companies with a well-developed service culture are better positioned to remain competitive in dynamic market conditions. The authors also emphasize the need to provide human qualities to the company's brand, which emphasizes its individuality and helps create an emotional connection with customers. This approach makes the brand closer to consumers, helps to form long-term mutually beneficial relations. The article also considers the factors that contribute to the growth and scaling of companies in the conditions of a modern competitive economy, making them resistant to market challenges and capable of innovative development.


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How to Cite
Koliadenko, S., & Tytarchuk, S. (2024). FORMATION OF CUSTOMER SERVICE CULTURE IN AGRICULTURAL ENTERPRISES. Economy and Society, (68).