The article examines key aspects of enterprise transformation management in the context of a changing market environment. The reasons for the need for change can be identified as market trends, such as fluctuations in competition, demand, supply and the pace of their changes. The choice of an enterprise transformation strategy directly depends on the stage of the life cycle it is in. Establishing this stage allows you to prevent crisis phenomena and bankruptcy, and also contributes to better management of finances, investments, operations and marketing strategies. The author emphasizes the importance of identifying and assessing the development of the enterprise, which is the main task of managerial transformation. The development of an enterprise can be discrete, uneven, with periods of stagnation or degradation leading to crisis situations. The main types of development are described, in particular, reflexive, situational, planned and project-oriented. In order to identify the type of development, it is proposed to use a set of indicators, including: the market value of the enterprise, which reflects its development potential, added value, which characterizes the functional activity of the enterprise, and net profit, which determines the economic result of the activity. It is emphasized that these indicators are key for assessing development, since they allow you to track changes in the enterprise and determine their scale and intensity. To determine the type of development, it is proposed to use quantitative criteria, in particular, for continuous development it is necessary that each subsequent value of the indicator be no worse than the previous one. The planned development of the enterprise is also considered, which can be assessed using the average absolute and relative deviations of the actual values of the indicators from the planned ones. This allows you to determine how effectively the enterprise follows the established plan. The article emphasizes the importance of a systematic approach to assessing the development of the enterprise, proposing the use of appropriate indicators and criteria to ensure effective management of its transformation in a changing market environment.
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