Keywords: territorial communities, cross-border cooperation, international relations, local self-government, international projects


The article is dedicated to the exploration of local communities as subjects of international relations, focusing particularly on their development, legal status, and role in cross-border cooperation. The article highlights that territorial communities are defined not only by a specific geographical area but also by the social and cultural unity of their members. These communities are organized around common interests, values, and goals that ensure their cohesion and functioning. The text identifies several key characteristics of territorial communities, such as a clearly defined territory, a stable population, local self-government bodies, and the right to participate in local elections. The author emphasizes that local communities are empowered to manage their budgets, resources, and infrastructure, all of which contribute to the development of the community. Territorial communities are also engaged in various forms of international cooperation through participation in European integration processes, international aid programs, and adherence to international legal standards and agreements. These activities have an essential impact on their development and governance, fostering more efficient and sustainable practices within local communities. In conclusion, the article presents territorial communities not just as administrative units of local governance but as active players in international relations. Their role in cross-border cooperation and global affairs is growing, reflecting their increasing importance in addressing not only local challenges but also global issues. The article suggests that the future of territorial communities will involve even greater integration into international networks, contributing to their social, economic, and environmental development. Through these global interactions, local communities can ensure better quality of life for their citizens while strengthening their role in the international arena.


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How to Cite
Prokopiv, M. (2024). TERRITORIAL COMMUNITIES AS SUBJECTS OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS. Economy and Society, (68). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2024-68-184