The article is devoted to the study and research of key problems of innovation and investment development of enterprises in Ukraine. In modern conditions, innovative and investment development of enterprises becomes a critically important factor for ensuring their competitiveness and stability in the market. Ukrainian enterprises, in particular, face a number of challenges that determine the need to intensify innovative activities and attract investments. In conditions of economic instability, lack of sufficient infrastructure for the implementation of innovative projects and insufficient state support, enterprises must look for new ways to modernize and implement modern technologies. The scientific research uses the method of critical analysis of scientific and methodical literature, practical experience, according to the requirements for the level of research methodology and technique. The choice of specific research methods depends on the conditions and purpose of the research. Methods are an ordered system in which their place is determined according to a specific stage of research, the use of technical techniques and work with theoretical information and certain facts in a given sequence. The article defines the concepts, goals and key components of innovative and investment development of enterprises. The definition of innovative and investment development of enterprises is given. The main components of innovative and investment development are characterized. The goals of innovative and investment development of enterprises are considered. A number of problems in the field of innovation and investment development of domestic enterprises are described and analyzed in detail, which limits their competitiveness both on the domestic and foreign markets. Directions for solving the problems of innovation and investment development of enterprises in Ukraine are proposed. Thus, the conducted research allows us to draw conclusions that the analysis and solution of the problems of innovation and investment development of domestic enterprises will contribute to economic growth and increase the competitiveness of the country on a global scale.
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