Keywords: external factors, internal factors, enterprise management efficiency, management processes, management decisions, competitiveness


This article examines the key external and internal factors that affect the level of enterprise management effectiveness, their interrelationship, and how they can be optimized to achieve better results. Effective management becomes a key element of its competitiveness and stability. Both external and internal factors affect the level of enterprise management efficiency. Understanding these factors and their impact allows managers to build effective development strategies. To achieve success, the organization must constantly analyze the external environment, evaluate its internal resources and adapt to changes. The balance between responding to external challenges and optimizing internal processes is the key to long-term success. External factors, such as economic conditions, political and legal stability, technological development, sociocultural changes, competition, create the environment in which the enterprise functions. Internal factors such as organizational structure, corporate culture, and strategic planning determine a company's ability to adapt and evolve. The management of the enterprise must constantly analyze and take into account these factors in order to ensure the sustainability of the company and its competitiveness in the long term. External and internal factors significantly affect the efficiency of enterprise management. External factors are factors that are outside the boundaries of the enterprise and on which it has limited influence. Internal factors are elements that are controlled by the enterprise itself and directly depend on its management decisions. External and internal factors closely interact with each other. For example, changes in legislation or the economic situation may require revision of internal management processes, such as planning or organizational structure. Likewise, a strong corporate culture and an effective organizational structure can help a company successfully adapt to changes in the external environment. Businesses that can adapt their internal resources and strategies to the challenges of the external environment are more likely to succeed and strengthen their market positions.


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How to Cite
Omeko, A. (2024). EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL FACTORS OF INFLUENCE ON THE LEVEL OF EFFICIENCY OF ENTERPRISE MANAGEMENT. Economy and Society, (68). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2024-68-182