This article examines current issues and prospects for improving the field of household waste management in Ukraine, which is an essential aspect of ensuring sustainable development. The study aims to identify effective approaches to solving problems in this area through the adaptation and use of the experience of international partners. Special attention is paid to three key links: carriers, the population, and state institutions. This approach allows for a comprehensive study of the problem and the identification of weaknesses in the waste management system. The article compares the current level of processing and sorting of household waste between Ukraine and the countries of the European Union. The focus is on analyzing these indicators in various EU countries and Ukraine. Particular attention is paid to international experience, especially the experiences of highly developed countries such as Latvia, Japan, Germany, and Sweden. An essential role in this context is played by raising environmental awareness among citizens, as public involvement is a driving force behind changes in waste management practices. One section of the article is dedicated to methods for improving ecological education among the population and increasing its participation in waste sorting and recycling processes. This, in turn, helps reduce the negative impact on the environment, improves waste management systems, and creates the conditions for more efficient waste management models to be implemented in Ukraine. Consequently, studying international experiences allows for highlighting practical ways to implement them in Ukraine to reduce the environmental impact and develop an effective waste management system that supports the country’s sustainable development. This, combined with the enhancement of infrastructure and regulatory frameworks, paves the way for a more integrated and efficient waste management system. By leveraging international best practices and fostering a culture of environmental responsibility, Ukraine can move closer to achieving its sustainable development goals. Collaboration between public institutions, private companies, and civil society will play a decisive role in driving these improvements and ensuring their long-term sustainability.
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