The article examines the models of innovative-digital development, which determine the options for the formation of Society 5.0 and the development of innovative universities that produce highly qualified personnel with digital competencies. The author’s vision of the concept of Society 5.0 in the conditions of virtual mobility is offered, which is also a “product” of learning digital entrepreneurship. In the conditions of virtual reality, digital entrepreneurship can be implemented in the following areas, namely: transformation of operational processes, which helps to gain great benefits, remote work allows you to enter all documents in electronic form, combine virtual tasks into one collective task. The five stages of development of Society 5.0 are singled out and the characteristic features of each stage are consistently revealed. It is hypothesized that the strategy of “Society 5.0” extends the concept of “Industry 4.0” to the concept of “Industry X.0”. The authors gave a general description of four key models of innovation and digital development, which determine the options for the formation of Society 5.0 and the development of business universities, namely: model “Smart Specialization”, model “Third Mission”, model “Triangle of Knowledge”, model “Triple Spiral”. In the new theory, physical and cyberspace become one in order to solve social problems and create conditions for sustainable economic growth. However, the comprehensive development of digital technologies also requires a broad infrastructure in virtual reality. Among the main areas through which the practical implementation of digital entrepreneurship, the authors identified: improving the quality of customer service (it can include understanding the customer, the use of electronic gadgets and programs, creating points of interaction with customers); transforming operational processes, which helps to get great benefits; implementation of business models (it includes the following components: electronic business support, which allows you to translate the basic functions of business into digital form. A retrospective analysis of the formation of Society 5.0 is presented.
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