Keywords: рersonnel, personnel management, enterprise, rganizational and economic aspects of management, management principles


The article is devoted to the examination of organizational and economic aspects of personnel management in enterprises, which is a crucial element for ensuring the effective functioning of a business entity in the face of modern economic challenges. The key directions of personnel management are identified, namely: retention of highly qualified specialists; optimization of the workforce composition; reduction of labor costs and improvement of labor productivity; development of effective motivation and employee incentive systems. Special attention is paid to issues such as employee motivation, career development, corporate culture, and the creation of a favorable psychological climate within the team. The implementation of an effective personnel management system will help the organization retain highly qualified staff, optimize personnel costs, increase labor productivity, and improve overall performance, ensuring the stability and development of the enterprise even in challenging economic conditions. It will also contribute to enhancing corporate culture, reducing employee turnover, and creating a favorable working environment, which in turn will boost motivation and employee loyalty. It should be noted that effective personnel management, considering organizational and economic aspects, should be based on the following principles: social orientation; fairness; transparency; and communication. They contribute to building trust between employees and management, which is essential for creating a stable and productive work environment. Social orientation involves attention to the social needs of employees, fairness ensures equal conditions for pay and career growth, transparency relates to open criteria for assessing work results, and communication focuses on effective information exchange within the organization. In the context of rapid changes in the market environment and increasing competition, effective personnel management becomes not only a tool for enhancing labor productivity but also a crucial factor in adapting an enterprise to new challenges. The organizational and economic aspects of personnel management are an integral part of the strategic development of an enterprise.


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How to Cite
Sas, L., Pastushok, A., & Slobodian, N. (2024). ORGANIZATIONAL AND ECONOMIC ASPECTS OF PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT IN AN ENTERPRISE. Economy and Society, (68).