The article is devoted to the modeling of business processes of profitability management of enterprises in the construction industry. The relevance of the study is determined by the need for enterprises in the construction sector to adapt to difficult conditions in connection with the military conflict, including the unpredictability of the development of events in Ukraine, limited financial resources and other economic factors affecting the business environment. The article examines certain aspects of enterprise profitability management. Trends in the dynamics of net profit and profitability of enterprises in the construction industry of Ukraine are considered. The importance of modeling business processes of profitability management of enterprises in the construction industry is proven. The formed system is a series of actions to build a hierarchically formed system of general and functional goals of profitability management, which allows ensuring a coordinated focus of management actions at all functional levels of management. In order to highlight the main business processes and sub-processes, the responsible persons involved in the formation of decisions in the process of managing the profitability of the economic entity, a diagram was created in the Ramus software product according to the IDEF0 standard. It was established that the company's profitability management system should consist of the following business processes: formation of an information base, analysis of the company's financial condition and profitability, assessment of factors influencing the level of profitability and development of recommendations for improving the results of the company's profitability management and organizing control over their implementation. Connections and information flows that arise during the implementation of tasks for managing the company's profitability are also defined. The practical significance of the study lies in the possibility of implementation of the developed recommendations by enterprises in the construction industry to increase their profitability and sustainable development.
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