The article examines the current problems of formation, submission and use of reporting by small agricultural enterprises. The purpose of the article is to analyze the current state of the process of preparation and submission of reports by small agricultural enterprises, to identify the problems and to determine the ways to overcome them. It is noted that the process of formation, submission and use is quite complex and multi-stage, requires in-depth specialized knowledge which needs to be constantly updated, involves maintaining communication links with external users, an appropriate level of digital competencies, etc. The composition and forms of financial reporting of enterprises depend on the size of the enterprise; statistical reporting - on the type of activity; tax reporting - on the chosen taxation system; internal reporting - on the level of business culture and management requests. It is established that most small agricultural enterprises face a number of difficulties at the stages of formation, submission and use of reporting which they cannot overcome on their own, which affects the quality of external reporting and neglects the opportunities and advantages of internal reporting. Overcoming these problems is associated with the development of outsourcing and agro-consulting activities. Attention is focused on the peculiarities of agricultural activity, which is reflected in the reporting indicators. It is found that the problems of formation, submission and use of reporting by small agricultural enterprises are associated with a low level of staffing, lack of a standard format for on-farm reporting. Prospects for overcoming the problems in the context of the development of extension services; typification of small agricultural enterprises and development of targeted models of on-farm reporting for different types of enterprises; directions for expanding statistical reporting indicators in accordance with digital transformation and the formation of the land market are identified. The expediency of cooperation between small agricultural enterprises and agro-consulting structures is substantiated.
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