Keywords: financial ecosystem, financial system, financial services provider, client, bank-centric financial ecosystem, bank


The article is devoted to the current issues of the functioning of the financial ecosystem of Ukraine in modern conditions. Over the past decade, foreign and domestic scientists, studying the principles of the functioning of financial systems, financial markets, and financial institutions have focused on the financial ecosystem. Despite the war, financial institutions in Ukraine operate and respond to the growing needs of financial service consumers. Competition forces financial service providers to modify the quality and nature of service, develop innovative products, and form new relationships between market participants, which modify the financial ecosystem. The purpose of writing this article is to reveal the theoretical foundations of the functioning of the financial ecosystem of Ukraine and determine its features in wartime conditions and opportunities in the post-war recovery of the economy. To achieve the goal, methods of comparison, analogy, analysis and synthesis, grouping, and generalization of research results were used. The author reveals the essence of the financial ecosystem as an environment formed by financial service providers with the participation of other participants to meet the needs of customers in financial services. According to their role in the financial ecosystem, it is advisable to distinguish the following groups of participants: financial service providers; infrastructure participants and technology developers; state authorities and management in the financial market; experts; clients. The macro-level financial ecosystem is the result of the development of the financial market as a component of the financial system under the influence of financial innovations. The areas of state regulators' competence in the financial ecosystem of Ukraine are revealed. The financial ecosystem of Ukraine is represented by a wide range of financial service providers; during the war, the number of individual financial intermediaries decreased, but this did not significantly affect the provision of financial services. According to the results of the study, the properties of the macro-level financial ecosystem were determined: establishing connections between ecosystem elements; adaptability; bank-centricity; customer orientation; synergy; and application of financial innovations. The bank-centric model of Ukraine's financial ecosystem allows us to conclude that banks, by concentrating other financial intermediaries around them, will be able to provide financial support for the post-war economic recovery.


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