The purpose of the article is to research the ways and means of using European castles in the tourism industry and determine how exactly they can be applied in domestic castle tourism, as well as the development of measures aimed at improving castle tourism. It was found that castle tourism performs educational and educational functions, promotes patriotic education, and also makes significant additions to the budget. Funds received from tourists can be directed to the restoration of castles and fortifications. It was noted that although Ukraine contains many fortifications and castles of varying degrees of preservation (from ruins to preservation in an almost original form), not all of them are used in tourism, many are in a ruined and semi-ruined state, but under certain conditions and actions can turn into promising tourist objects. For this purpose, the European experience of castle tourism can be useful. New types of use of castles in tourism can be: organization of entertainment inside and near castles, use of castles as objects of film tourism and wedding tourism, organization of children's entertainment in castles. It was found out that since the domestic castles, due to the common historical heritage and the infamous popularity of Ukraine due to the full-scale invasion, became objects of castle tourism not only for domestic visitors, but also for foreigners, then in order to improve domestic castle tourism and its orientation in including foreign visitors, it is necessary to implement a number of measures. Among such measures: creation of proper tourist infrastructure, training of employees, creation of tourist centers near castles, addition of existing tourist routes with new objects, creation of virtual tours, virtual museums, 3D reconstructions using means of creating augmented reality, creation of a tourism information support system. The introduction of a number of measures aimed at improving castle tourism in Ukraine, its adaptation to foreign visitors, will contribute to the further development of the domestic tourism sector.
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