It is shown that the introduction of a new marketing concept will contribute to the growth of the enterprise's competitiveness in the long term, at the same time, it requires the creation of a modern marketing system at the enterprise using digital technologies. In the process of analyzing the fundamental components of Industry 5.0, the advantages and effectiveness of the new marketing concept for domestic enterprises, in particular their employees and potential consumers, were determined. The authors show that in the new digital ecosystem, not only production technologies are changing, but also marketing concepts, which are now focused on people (consumers), social and environmental aspects in the organization of production through an innovative technological way of solving a certain problem. the problem of the consumer, bringing production closer to the consumer. The introduction of a new marketing concept increases the economic stability of the enterprise in a new competitive environment. The dualism of the new marketing concept was revealed: 1) in-depth analysis of market trends and orientation of production to its requirements; 2) creation of real conditions for the enterprise's impact on the market, existing demand and expansion of the circle of consumers. It is shown that the innovations of Industry 5.0 affected not only changes in the production system of the enterprise, but also changes in the value system of the consumer of its products, perception and lifestyle on the scale of human civilization, which formed a new competitive environment. in the field of exchange. The problems of digital transformation of Ukrainian enterprises are revealed, including: institutional, infrastructural, ecosystem, behavioral. The conclusions of the article emphasize the importance of digitization of the marketing activities of the enterprise in the conditions of rapid socio-cultural changes and the intensifying struggle for consumers in the buyer's market. This approach will help to more effectively use the complex system of the "metauniverse" (the merging of the physical and virtual worlds) in all channels and tools to connect potential customers directly to the production process setting and become potential consumers of the enterprise's products.
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