The article highlights the current challenges and prospects of the cryptocurrency market. The potential for high returns attracts investors, but the lack of transparent regulation creates risks. Adapting legislation to international standards is one of the key ways to minimize these risks. This will not only help expand the cryptocurrency market but also strengthen user protection and foster trust in this tool as a financial asset. In addition to regulatory measures, an important aspect is the educational component regarding the accounting and taxation of cryptocurrency transactions. Informing users about potential risks and the principles of the cryptocurrency market will help investors make more informed decisions and avoid financial losses due to a lack of understanding of this asset’s specifics. Cryptocurrencies are digital assets that exist solely as records in blockchain systems and do not fall under the traditional definition of money or electronic money. They provide a certain level of anonymity and security through a decentralized structure, which makes it difficult for government regulators to exercise control. Popular uses of cryptocurrencies include trading, remittances, payments, and investments. However, their price volatility and lack of government backing make them high-risk assets. Currently, Ukraine has adopted the "Virtual Assets" law, but it has not yet come into force, meaning that cryptocurrencies remain partially outside the scope of legal regulation. Different countries and international organizations use various terminology for digital assets, aiming to create unified regulatory standards. For example, the EU has adopted a directive regulating the cryptocurrency market, including stablecoins. In Ukraine, the use of cryptocurrencies falls under financial monitoring to prevent their use for money laundering or terrorist financing. Thus, cryptocurrencies have a specific status as assets that can be exchanged, but they are not recognized as an official means of payment. The prolonged process of adapting legislation will allow for the harmonization of regulations with international standards, which will contribute to the expansion of the cryptocurrency market and the minimization of financial risks for users.
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