The article examines the importance of the innovative development of agribusiness enterprises (Agro-Industrial Complex, AIC) in the context of market globalization. The theoretical foundations of innovative development in AIC enterprises are analyzed, and the essence of the organizational and economic mechanism of innovation processes in the context of global changes is defined. Methods for evaluating the effectiveness of innovations and their impact on improving the competitiveness of agribusiness enterprises are studied. Specifically, the influence of globalization processes on the requirements for innovation strategies and their assessment is discussed. The article proposes the adaptation of innovation models in the context of international competition to ensure the sustainability and competitive advantages of AIC enterprises. It also defines key factors for the successful implementation of innovations, particularly through the use of digital technologies and precise models for evaluating effectiveness. Based on practical examples of enterprises that have implemented various models for evaluating innovation effectiveness, the article analyzes their impact on economic and environmental performance indicators. The article includes recommendations for improving the management of innovation processes to enhance efficiency and sustainable agricultural production development. The author emphasizes the importance of digitalization and technological innovations in enhancing the efficiency and sustainability of agricultural production, as well as identifying key factors for successful innovation implementation, especially through a systematic approach to managing innovation processes. The article also provides recommendations for optimizing innovation processes and adapting AIC enterprise strategies to the global market.
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