The article analyzes global practices of using digital tools in the management of the tourism industry, which are based on modern trends in the behavior of consumers of tourism services in the digital world: the use of mobile applications and digital audio, online booking systems, social network platforms, integration of augmented reality and open data projects. The application of the tourism ecosystem "Tourism 4.0" as a global initiative of the digital transformation of the industry requires high requirements for the availability of information to understand the needs of the client. It was determined that the use of digital tools based on customer preferences improves the collection of data on consumer expectations, simplifies the process of providing a quality tourism product, and aligns personalized services and experiences from staying in tourist destinations. The use of digital tools as the main drivers of competitive advantage in the tourism and hospitality industry increases consumer loyalty and encourages them to interact with local communities, thereby converting impressions and information received by customers and acquired experience in the destination into advertising for the attractiveness of the place of visit. The international experience of using digital technologies as competitive advantages in tourism determines the development of tourism startups, which will further lead to original ideas and business models. The competitive advantages of the digital transformation of the tourism and hospitality industry lie in the application of digital tools. Online booking systems, mobile apps and digital audio guides, social media platforms, augmented reality, open data projects are creating digital opportunities for all areas of tourism businesses. Therefore, the development and support of high-quality digital products will significantly improve the dynamics of the tourism market, where customers are an integral part of the ecosystem.
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