The article examines the structural and functional transformations of business processes in the field of electronic commerce, which are key to increasing the efficiency and competitiveness of enterprises. The main challenges faced by companies are analyzed, such as inefficiency of existing processes, lack of system integration, low level of personalization, data security issues and high competition in the market. Particular attention is paid to technological solutions that contribute to automation, integration of information systems, the use of data analytics and artificial intelligence to optimize interaction with clients. The article emphasizes the need to adapt traditional business models to rapidly changing market conditions and offers a comprehensive approach to process improvement. This includes: structural and functional transformations of business processes, development of a new business model (B2B, B2C, C2C, etc.), adjustment of online marketing and communication, change of technological infrastructure, integration of the latest technologies, such as cloud platforms, blockchain, and Big Data to reduce operational costs, improve customer experience and provide greater transparency of business operations. Thanks to this, enterprises can not only maintain competitiveness, but also achieve sustainable development, quickly responding to changes in demand and conditions of the e-commerce market. Recommendations (algorithm) for rapid transformation of the organizational and functional structure of a traditional enterprise during its transition to electronic commerce have been developed. The article also emphasizes the importance of personalizing services and goods, focusing on the individual needs of consumers. At the same time, emphasis is placed on ensuring the appropriate level of cyber security to maintain customer trust and protect confidential information. The proposed integrated approach to improving business processes allows enterprises to successfully compete in the digital environment, increasing their efficiency and meeting the needs of consumers.
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