Military aggression and conflict significantly affect the national economy, changing funding priorities and restructuring business functions. In such a complex environment, where resources are mainly directed to the defense and stability of the state, enterprises must adapt their financial and accounting processes accordingly. This study examines the need to transform these mechanisms to support stable business operations, efficient resource allocation, and effective accounting policies. Method or methodology of the work. The research used a comprehensive analysis of the existing literature, including theoretical and practical developments of famous scientists. Despite significant academic attention to improving accounting and financial management practices, there remains a gap in the study of specific areas of transformation required during wartime. The purpose of the study is to bridge this gap by identifying strategies for adapting financial and accounting mechanisms to the economic needs associated with war. Results of the study. The findings highlight several transformation directions: adapting accounting systems to simplified tax reporting; strengthening financial control through enhanced audit practices; increasing digitalization, including ERP systems and e-documentation; leveraging government support and debt restructuring; restructuring business models and liquidity management; and reinforcing cybersecurity in financial operations. These measures are essential to bolster business stability, optimize resource allocation, and ensure competitive viability under crisis conditions. Scope of practical application of the results. The practical application of these findings is to provide enterprises with a structured approach to restructuring the accounting and financial system, which will allow them to navigate the complex challenges of wartime. The results contribute to the financial stability of the business and contribute to its long-term development in post-conflict conditions. Conclusions. The study concluded that the transformation of the accounting and financial mechanism is a gradual and resource-intensive process that requires the support of management and the involvement of the workforce. It is recommended that further research be directed to the development of methods for evaluating the effectiveness of changes that are implemented in the financial and accounting mechanism of enterprises in the context of the wartime economy.
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