Keywords: bioeconomics, biotechnology, regional economy, development of productive forces, biotechnological cluster


It is substantiated that today there is no unified mechanism for the formation of one or another type of clusters, which creates the need to assess the prospects and rationality of the creation and effective management of clusters in the Ukrainian economy. It is determined that most publications reveal some aspects of cluster formation (for example, preconditions for merging regional enterprises into a regional cluster) or the results of existing cluster formations focusing on the successful experience of the most progressive ones (biotechnology clusters in Silicon Valley, Boston, UK, Germany France or China), so the study of the possibility of forming and developing technological (including biotechnological) clusters, especially in the economy of Ukraine, remains relevant. It is proved that from the point of view of investment attractiveness Lviv region can be characterized as a region with developed transport, engineering and social infrastructure, high level of development of creative industry and innovation activity, which is endowed with significant natural and recreational resources and landscape diversity. Due to the favorable geographical location in the region, an intensive policy of integration into the world economy is pursued by establishing foreign economic relations and attracting various forms of international cooperation. It is substantiated that in order to ensure sustainable development of the studied region there is a need to attract incentives for investment in innovation and technological processes, in the development of innovation infrastructure (information centers, technology parks, business incubators, innovation clusters, venture funds), which will increase competitiveness. on an innovative basis. Taking into account the research and innovation potential of Lviv region, the development of the necessary infrastructure, the potential of related industries, etc., we can identify certain areas of specialization of the region that will ensure its sustainable development. One of such areas is the development of the region's bioeconomy. The strengths and weaknesses of the creation of a biotechnology cluster in the Lviv region have been identified. The key tasks of this cluster are highlighted. It is proved that the formation of a biotechnology cluster in Lviv region is due to the laws of sectoral development of the regional economy and at this stage arises under a favorable combination of a number of factors: strong scientific and technological potential, necessary bioresources, skilled labor, communication and information technology, benefits which opens the prospects for entering foreign markets and a favorable climate of cooperation between the cluster.


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How to Cite
Vasulyuk, S. (2021). АSPECTS OF CREATION OF A BIOTECHNOLOGICAL CLUSTER IN THE LVIV REGION. Economy and Society, (23). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2021-23-28