Keywords: logistics, logistics operations, border regions, organization of logistics operations, implementation of logistics operations


The article is dedicated to defining the essence of logistics operations and highlighting the specific features of their organization and implementation in Ukraine's border regions during wartime. The relevance of the study is due to the significant role that logistics operations in border areas play in supporting defense capabilities and ensuring national security. The purpose of the article is to reveal the theoretical essence of logistics operations and the specifics of their organization and execution in border regions under the current conditions of war in our country. The study proposes a conceptualization of logistics operations in border regions as a complex system of coordinated actions and processes aimed at optimizing time and financial costs for the movement and storage of all types of resources from the source to the end consumer, while adhering to safety requirements and considering all risks in frontline and areas close to the aggressor country. These operations involve planning, coordinating, managing transportation and warehousing, ensuring quality preservation, maintaining confidentiality and protection (in cases of strategic importance), and record-keeping, among other tasks. In the current context, such operations exhibit characteristics shaped by the challenges and threats brought about by the war. At the same time, the need for rapid changes in approaches and the search for new opportunities to conduct logistics operations in border regions has spurred development and opened new avenues for achieving set goals. Specifically, enhancing the efficiency of logistics operations in border regions requires a greater use of information technology and a systematic approach in their organization. Given the pace of technological innovation and the complex challenges facing the organization and execution of logistics operations in wartime conditions, it is advisable to use unmanned vehicles in border areas with the enemy to minimize human loss risks. Additionally, further development of a robust network of logistics hubs in western border regions and the implementation of a modern automated logistics management system are essential. These measures are critical not only for economic and food stability in the country but also to support and strengthen national defense capabilities and security as a whole.


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