The article is devoted to the importance of international technology transfer in strengthening national security in the face of growing global threats, such as cybercrime, energy crises, and military conflicts. The countries' need for the latest technologies to increase the defense capability and stability of critical infrastructure was analyzed. Key international programs are considered in order to assess their impact on security, cyber resilience and energy independence of the participating countries. Current challenges and opportunities for technology transfer to ensure national security, in particular in the context of interstate cooperation, are identified. Prospects for further research to adapt innovative models of interaction that take into account the specific needs of individual countries and regions are outlined. The main results demonstrated that the integration of artificial intelligence technologies, advanced defense systems and smart energy solutions allows countries to reduce dependence on traditional resources, strengthen cyber defense and ensure a rapid response to potential threats. Prospects for further research are aimed at improving the mechanisms of international technology transfer, as well as at developing innovative cooperation models that take into account the specific needs of individual countries and regions in order to ensure effective adaptation of advanced technologies. Modern approaches to the integration of defense, cybernetic and energy technologies, which contribute to increasing the level of national security through the joint efforts of partner countries, are considered. The role of international organizations, such as NATO, the EU, and the International Energy Agency, in supporting technological exchange and developing common standards for the protection of critical infrastructure is analyzed. The importance of international regulation and standardization for the effective use of advanced technologies in the field of security is emphasized.
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