The article examines the problem of digitization of business and marketing in the context of Industry 4.0, which poses new challenges for the formation of the socio-political system and economic processes. The purpose of the publication is to verify the features of the marketing product policy in the context of digitization of logistics and the consumer. The relevance of the topic is determined by the rapid development of digital technologies that transform markets and consumer habits, which necessitates the adaptation of enterprises to new operating conditions. The research methodology includes the analysis of modern scientific publications in the field of marketing and digitalization, as well as conducting surveys among specialists in the field of marketing and logistics to study their experience in the implementation of digital technologies. It is used as a qualitative method of analysis, allowing to assess the impact of digitization on marketing product policy. The results show that digitization in the B2B segment is manifested through the automation of marketing processes, data analysis and e-commerce, which increases the efficiency of interaction between businesses. In the B2C segment, consumers actively shape their unique offers based on the availability of information, which changes traditional approaches to marketing. The article also examines the importance of the integration of social networks as a new market format, where consumers have the opportunity to influence the formation of product offers. In addition, the article highlights the problems associated with insufficient digitization in logistics processes, emphasizing the need to implement new technologies to improve customer service and optimize supply chains. The findings confirm that the successful implementation of marketing policy requires adaptation to rapidly changing market conditions and flexibility in responding to changes in consumer preferences. At the same time, it is noted that "digital" actualized the time factor, since digital technologies allow very quickly to see changes in the preferences, moods, tendencies and trends of consumers and their behavior, which, in turn, requires flexibility from logistics systems. Further research should be aimed at harmonizing the digitization of goods, logistics and the consumer in the context of modern challenges, in particular in the conditions of constant changes in technology and economic conditions.
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