Keywords: agricultural enterprise, marketing potential, adaptation of management strategies


The article examines the formation and evaluation of the marketing potential of an agrarian enterprise in the conditions of the nowadays market. The agricultural sector faces challenges that require management strategies adaptation. The importance of digitization is emphasized as a means to improve the effectiveness of marketing campaigns. The article also shows the need to implement environmental practices that can improve the company's reputation. It was determined the sustainable development of agricultural enterprises is possible only under the condition of cooperation with partners. Recommendations are offered for optimizing business models to improve marketing results. The prospects for the development of agrarian business in the context of globalization and integration are highlighted. In conclusion, it provides valuable insights for agricultural enterprises seeking to increase their marketing potential.


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How to Cite
Kurbatska, L., Rekman, M., & Starokon, D. (2024). FORMATION AND ASSESSMENT OF THE MARKETING POTENTIAL OF AN AGRICULTURAL ENTERPRISE. Economy and Society, (67).

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