The article is devoted to the study of the concept of "information economy" in the knowledge system of forecasting and scenario development of cities. It is recognized and proven that the digital era has arrived with a holistic vision of change in all diversity and filled with management practices involving the latest knowledge, innovation and the formation of the information economy. The interpretation of the term "information economy", its features and methodological assets in the perspectives of implementation in forecasting and scenario technologies from the point of view of various scientists and institutions are presented. A number of principles of involvement of the "information economy" category in the practical activity of regional management from the standpoint of improving the process of planning and forecasting, modeling and scenario development of Ukrainian cities have been formed, such as: the principle of targeted study of the category from the standpoint of knowledge implementation needs (examples of knowledge involvement; preparation of analytical materials for forecasting procedures; SWOT analysis; expert surveys); principle of scientificity; the principle of complexity; the principle of information culture; the principle of integrity; the principle of formalization of knowledge; the principle of the author's vision. The significance of the category "information economy" in the system of management knowledge and especially forecasting and scenario development of cities in various directions is defined, such as: a global vision of the country's future in its overall vector movement; developers of plans and forecasts must have accumulated a system of knowledge in the following formats: theory, methodology, world experience, individual examples (successful and vice versa); understanding the information economy category is difficult, because the information economy as a civilizational phenomenon has a complex structure, stages of development, phases of transition from one state to another; the information economy is a system of relations that ensure the further social progress of mankind, outline the specifics of legal and socio-cultural, security and geopolitical involvement of information (information resources) in the target scales of life reproduction.
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