Keywords: international business, multinational enterprises, international market, competitive strategies, international competitiveness, international trade, competition


In modern economic realities, the global market makes strict demands on the international competitiveness of multinational enterprises, as a result of which international business and multinational enterprises are constantly faced with differences in culture (cultural adaptation), adaptation of goods to the requirements of consumers of different nationalities, currency fluctuations, pricing problems (price differentiation). and taxation, problems of supply chain management, choosing the optimal competitive strategy for conducting international business in the global market (global strategy versus local adaptation). The article analyzes the differentiation of competitive strategies of multinational enterprises. It has been proven that multinational enterprises most often use SWOT analysis to develop a strategy. It was found that one of the ways to increase the competitiveness of a multinational enterprise is the formation of strategic alliances. It is emphasized that multinational enterprises for sustainable development and increased profitability should implement strategic management of the company, which is related to the assessment of the external environment, the determination of future opportunities and dangers, the formulation of global goals and strategies through the assessment of external conditions and the internal analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the corporation. It has been identified that in modern business conditions and under the conditions of globalization, multinational enterprises are forced to use new types of strategies that are formed under the influence of geopolitical, socio-economic conditions in different countries. It is noted that the strategy of multinational diversification can be considered the most relevant in the current unstable time. The activities of the largest companies on the world market were analyzed and the main types of international strategies used in their activities were determined. Let's consider the impact of the war on the territory of Ukraine on the activities of multinational enterprises and their adaptation of business strategies to new realities. As a result of the conducted research, it was concluded that at the present time and for the future, when choosing a competitive strategy, multinational enterprises need to focus their attention on diversifying markets, reducing dependence on specific countries or regions, especially those with a high level of geopolitical instability and increasing orientation towards search for new growing markets.


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Tkachuk, N., & Zayats, O. (2024). DIFFERENTIATION OF COMPETITIVE STRATEGIES OF MULTINATIONAL ENTERPRISES. Economy and Society, (67). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2024-67-103