The article is devoted to topical issues of research into innovative processes in the promotion and commercialization of a tourist product. The concepts of "intellectual capital", "commercialization of innovative activity" and "innovation process" are revealed. It was determined that intellectual capital is a set of intellectual products, unique knowledge, databases, intellectual property rights, intellectual abilities of a person or a group of persons, which can be converted into income and provides competitive advantages and growth in the market value of the enterprise. It was found that the commercialization of innovative activity is the use of the intellectual capital of business entities, which involves mutually beneficial actions of all interested parties to identify scientific and technical results (innovations) with the aim of obtaining profit or other market benefit from their development or sale. It was determined that the "innovation process" is the process of transforming scientific knowledge into an innovation that satisfies new social needs; a consistent chain of actions covering all stages of the creation of a new product and its practical use. It has been analyzed that innovative technologies in tourism are one of the key success factors for enterprises in this field, which are implemented at the highest level of the company's management, which will contribute to the development of the main directions of scientific, technical and production activities of the enterprise and cause the creation of the necessary conditions for the sustainable functioning of tourism enterprises. aimed at ensuring the competitiveness of tourist services at the level of international standards. A number of measures are proposed for the effective and rational application of innovative processes in the promotion and commercialization of the tourist product, which will contribute to the more effective functioning of tourist enterprises and increase their competitiveness on the market and will be an effective tool that helps to improve the sales activity of products and services in the tourist industry. An important feature in modern conditions is the use of new technological processes and tourism product sales resources, in particular, electronic information, electronic booking and design of tours, retargeting, use of mobile applications and online analytics. It is necessary to implement innovative ways of informing consumers of tourist products on the Internet, namely through: blogs, social networks, thematic forums, search engines and sites, buying links, contextual advertising, linkbaiting, RSS and others.
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