The article addresses the issue of adapting marketing strategies of enterprises as a key tool for ensuring their financial and economic security during crises. The relevance of the research is driven by the necessity for emergent transformation of business entities in the context of constant macroeconomic turbulence, caused by exogenous shocks and endogenous destabilizing factors. These factors induce multidisciplinary challenges that require the creative incorporation of innovative marketing strategies to enhance the resilience of an enterprise's financial and economic security. In light of such circumstances, the ability of enterprises to uniquely adapt to changing economic conditions becomes critical, requiring the management team to master new flexible, situationally relevant mechanisms for positioning and resource optimization. In these conditions, enterprises capable of flexible responses to external challenges exhibit increased resilience to destabilizing factors. The research aims to develop theoretical foundations and practical approaches for adapting marketing strategies to strengthen enterprise resilience during crisis periods. The methodological basis of the study is founded on a combination of systems analysis, comparative methods, and structural modeling. The applied empirical research methods include the analysis of market fluctuations, the assessment of innovative marketing solutions, and their impact on enterprise stability. The results obtained confirm the effectiveness of marketing strategies as an important tool for crisis management. Enterprise adaptability is demonstrated through innovative approaches to market segmentation, modification of pricing policies, and the implementation of the latest digital technologies to optimize consumer interaction. The research reveals that such strategies help minimize losses associated with economic shocks and maintain financial flows. The practical value of the article lies in the development of recommendations for enterprises on implementing flexible marketing solutions during crises. The use of adaptive strategies not only reduces operational risks but also creates new competitive advantages, enhancing the long-term resilience of the enterprise.
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