Keywords: adaptation of enterprises, crisis, flexibility, uncertainty, adaptation levels


The article is devoted to the study of business adaptation in war conditions. War causes social, economic, environmental consequences that significantly reduce the ability to adapt to business, compared to other crises and threats. Therefore, studies of problems that prevent domestic enterprises from carrying out their activities in war conditions are extremely relevant. To achieve the research goal, the article uses a set of scientific methods, in particular: comparative and statistical analysis - to identify the most important problems that prevent entrepreneurs from restoring and developing their business; problem-oriented - to develop measures related to adaptation. The most significant factors that affect the adaptability of business during a full-scale invasion are considered. It is revealed that most often domestic business is adapted by means of relocation of enterprises, adaptation of products and services to modern challenges, participation in international grants, creation of new logistic connections, flexibility in personnel management, use of various innovations that allow to optimize business processes, reduce dependence on human resources, increase productivity and flexibility. The obtained results consist in the formation of approaches and tools at different levels of adaptation, which affect the formation of flexibility and vitality of enterprises in conditions of war. In particular, anti-crisis management, risk and scenario analysis, optimization of production processes, supply chain management, emergency planning, effective communication and personnel involvement were allocated. It has been substantiated that maximum flexibility, quick response to challenges, construction of new logistic chains, risk forecasting help domestic enterprises to survive. Proposals and solutions that will contribute to domestic enterprises have been developed. The practical value of the article lies in the presented systematization of tools that are proposed to be used depending on the level of adaptation.


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How to Cite
Datsiuk, A., Protsak, K., & Horodnia, T. (2024). ADAPTATION OF BUSINESS IN WAR CONDITIONS. Economy and Society, (67).