The article delves into contemporary challenges and strategies in the formation of corporate culture within the framework of public administration reform. Corporate culture is conceptualized as a system of norms, principles, rules, and values that govern the professional conduct of civil servants, significantly influencing the efficiency of their performance. A key element of corporate culture is the motivation of staff, which must be rooted in the fulfillment of their personal and professional needs, thus driving both individual and organizational goals. In this context, the promotion of high ethical standards, transparency in decision-making processes, and fostering mutual respect within the workplace become fundamental to building a strong corporate culture. The author emphasizes the necessity of developing a comprehensive Code of Ethics for civil servants. This code should clearly articulate the core principles of ethical behavior and serve as a guide for public servants across all levels of government. It is designed to not only enhance ethical behavior but also reinforce the overall integrity and authority of public institutions. The article further explores the critical role corporate culture plays in strengthening the reputation of government bodies and facilitating effective interaction with the public. The research highlights several key measures for improving corporate culture, including refining management hierarchies, fostering staff motivation through career development opportunities, upholding a positive institutional image, and ensuring adherence to strict ethical norms. Additionally, attention is given to the importance of encouraging initiative among staff and promoting a collaborative, respectful work environment. The proposed reforms aim to build a corporate spirit that fosters a sense of responsibility and accountability, thus enhancing the operational efficiency of public institutions. Ultimately, the article asserts that a well-structured corporate culture can serve as an innovative tool for developing a more effective and trustworthy public administration system.
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