The paper deals with the analysis of the logistics efficiency’ development, it is the basis of the organization of any country’s foreign economic activity. For today, there is no systematic methodology for particular analysis. So, the issue of systematization of the logistics efficiency’ development indicators is urgent and relevant. The assessment the logistics efficiency’ development in the countries of the world was summarized using logistics performance index and liner shipping connectivity index. The paper presents the countries ranking of the world due to the indicated indices. The significant attention is paid to the analysis of the logistics’ efficiency in Ukraine. The main problems in the Ukraine’s logistics processes are outlined, in particular, the low efficiency of customs work, the low quality of the logistics infrastructure, etc. The priority directions for the Ukraine maritime logistics’ development have been determined. Particular emphasis is placed on the need to reorient the logistics routes of cargo transportation to the river ports of the Danube. But, the reorientation of transport flows also led to new logistical challenges. The significant increase of the transshipment’s volume ports of Reni and Izmail and the adjacent private territories led to the discovery of the next «bottleneck», namely the sea channels that connect the Danube River with the Black Sea. In order to increase the export capacity of the Danube route, for our opinion, several actions need to be done. First, it is necessary to open raid transshipments from barges from Danube ports to large-type vessels in the Romanian territorial waters. The second one is to ensure the 24-hour operation of the Sulina canal in Romania. The third action is to develop the Ukrainian Bystroe canal. In the short term, such actions can double the volume of exports via the Danube ports. Summarizing, these Danube ports are currently a promising and conditionally safe direction for Ukrainian exports to other countries. There is no alternative way to maritime logistics of Ukrainian export, especially in the conditions of the permanently existing ban on the import of Ukrainian products by some countries of Central and Eastern Europe. Only maritime logistics that currently ensures an acceptable level of transportation costs, when Ukrainian business can work profitably.
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