The article is devoted to studying the process of restructuring the Ukrainian economy in the direction of digital transformation, especially regarding access and use of the Internet. The rapid development of digital technologies requires the world's countries to adapt to the new economic reality. The study of the restructuring of the national economy of Ukraine in the context of digital transformation is an urgent task, as it allows for assessing the country's readiness for new challenges and opportunities. The purpose of the study is to identify development patterns and predict possible scenarios of the transition to the digital economy, with an emphasis on the development potential of the IT sphere. Based on a comprehensive analysis of data on Internet access and its use, the authors identify key challenges and opportunities for developing the digital economy in Ukraine. The following research methods are used: systematisation, generalisation, system approaches, analysis and synthesis, modelling, statistical analysis, abstract logical analysis, and graphic method. Applying a wide range of research methods, including modelling, made it possible to develop predictive scenarios for developing digital infrastructure and formulate recommendations for improving state policy in this area, especially regarding access and use of the Internet in Ukraine. The results showed that the scenario regarding coverage of the population of Ukraine with access to Internet resources is positive. High-quality and accessible Internet is necessary for the progress of digital transformations. Access to mobile communication and Internet resources through mobile devices in Ukraine is provided satisfactorily, and the characteristics have hardly changed since the pre-war years. The use of mobile Internet will grow among the population of Ukraine. This study contributes to the science of economic development, as it is the first to comprehensively analyze the impact of expanding access to the Internet on the restructuring of the national economy of Ukraine. The obtained results can be used to develop effective strategies for the digital transformation of the economy and increase its competitiveness.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Олександра Карінцева, Олександр Кубатко, Володимир Любчак, Вячеслав Вороненко, Наталія Барченко, Наталія Мартинова

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