The article is devoted to the problems of labor motivation in rural areas. The authors note that employee motivation in agriculture is an important factor in the effective development of rural areas but faces a number of challenges. The article identifies the main factors influencing labor motivation in rural areas. Among the economic factors, low wages and the seasonality of work are highlighted, which reduce the attractiveness of agricultural labor. Social factors include social isolation, lack of proper infrastructure, and limited access to professional education and career growth. Psychological aspects affect motivation through a low level of job satisfaction, a sense of alienation, and limited opportunities for self-realization. The authors examine the negative impact of these factors on the development of rural areas, manifested in reduced labor productivity, decreased employee loyalty to their enterprises, a decline in economic activity among community residents, and an increase in youth migration to cities. To improve labor motivation in rural areas, the authors propose a comprehensive approach to solving this issue. Among the suggested measures are investments in production and social infrastructure, stimulating economic activity, increasing access to education and healthcare services, and implementing professional support programs for employees. Special attention is given to the development of social initiatives and the integration of rural communities into the country's overall economic space. The authors emphasize the need for joint efforts of the state, businesses, and communities to achieve sustainable development and improve the quality of life in rural areas. In their opinion, labor motivation in rural areas depends on the effective combination of economic, social, and psychological factors, and solving the problem requires a systematic and comprehensive approach.
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