Keywords: agriculture, grain crops, animal husbandry, livestock products, agricultural production, development of the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine


The basis of the agro-industrial sector of world agriculture is agriculture – one of the oldest types of human economic activity. It still employs more than half of the world's economically active population. However, if in developing countries more than 2/3 of the employed population works in agriculture, and in some of them – 3/4, then in economically developed countries, less than 1/10 of the economically active population. For example, if we take the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine, it is – 2/3 of the economically active population. Agricultural land occupies 42 million hectares, or 70% of the total fund of the country. 78.9% of agricultural lands are arable lands and perennial plantations, 13.0% are pastures, and 8.4% are hayfields. The highest share of arable land is in the steppe areas (70-80%) and the forest-steppe zone. Pastures are concentrated mainly in the Carpathians, Polissya and in the south-eastern steppe regions, hayfields – in the river valleys of the forest and forest-steppe zones. In agriculture, 99% of production is produced by agriculture and animal husbandry, then in developed countries the main activity in agriculture is farming, where most of the land fund and the main productive production opportunities of the agro-industrial complex are concentrated. Other industries – aquaculture (fish farming, shellfish, etc.) and the use of insects (silkworm breeding and beekeeping) – although not a large part, but also play a significant role. One of the important branches of agriculture is grain crops. Cereals are fortified with plant proteins, which are essential for human health. Another important part is animal husbandry. The main industries in this area are: dairy farming, pig farming, meat production, as well as cattle breeding. Therefore, at the moment this topic is the most relevant for discussions and debates on the popularization of the analysis of agricultural development. The article investigates and analyzes various areas of agriculture in Ukraine. In particular, they were – cereals, livestock, livestock products, and agricultural production. Possible barriers that slow down the development of agriculture have been identified and considered, which should be taken into account in order to give impetus to the better functioning of agro-industry in Ukraine.


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How to Cite
Holovachko, V., Liba, N., & Vyber, E. (2021). ANALYSIS OF THE POSSIBILITY OF AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT IN UKRAINE. Economy and Society, (27).