Keywords: analysis, control, management, business entity, management decisions


New challenges and threats that arise in the course of business activity constantly require improvement of management analysis and control in order to reduce the level of influence of negative factors on the effectiveness of management decisions. In the course of the conducted scientific research, it was proved that the effectiveness of the management of the economic entity depends on the quality of the conducted analysis and control, which will allow to determine the directions of adjustment of economic indicators taking into account modern challenges. It is proposed to consider analysis and control as separate functions of management, which allow adjusting the management process and identifying negative trends in the process of making management decisions. The stages of preparation for the analysis and control of the activity of a modern enterprise are highlighted, which will allow establishing direct and reverse information flows in its management system. Essential features of modern analysis and control of economic entities, which are based on the requirements of international integration, standardization and sustainable development in the market environment, have been identified. Essential features of modern analysis and control of economic entities, which are based on the requirements of international integration, standardization and sustainable development in the market environment, have been identified. Emphasis is placed on taking information technologies into account when improving the process of analysis and control with the aim of forming effective development strategies in a competitive environment. It has been proven that economic analysis is a mechanism for managing the resources of a business entity, and control is a means of eliminating inaccuracies and inaccuracies in the process of implementing management decisions. The modern challenges of the market environment led to the improvement of the control and analysis system, which is evidence of the transition to a new stage of the development of the evaluation of the enterprise's activities. Considering the rapid development of computer technologies, it should be noted that the methodology of conducting qualitative analysis and control for the purposes of managing a business entity in a competitive environment is insufficiently developed. Therefore, the subject of the following scientific studies is the use of computer technologies in the process of conducting qualitative analysis and control for the purposes of managing a business entity.


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How to Cite
Portovaras, T., & Lukanovska, I. (2024). SPECIFICITY, STAGES AND CURRENT ESSENTIAL SIGNS OF CONTROL AND ANALYSIS PROCESSES. Economy and Society, (66). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2024-66-79