The article examines the theoretical and methodological foundations of strategic management of innovative activities in processing enterprises, which is important in the context of the growing role of innovations in the modern business environment. The study presents an analysis of the impact of innovations on the competitiveness of enterprises, emphasizing that adaptation to changes in the market, technology, and consumer needs is critically important for the successful operation of processing enterprises. The research substantiates the need to develop clear theoretical and methodological foundations for strategic management that allow for the optimization of innovative development processes. It has been found that, despite a significant amount of research, issues related to strategic management of innovative activities in processing enterprises remain insufficiently addressed. The goal of the article is to analyze the theoretical foundations and improve the methodological support for managing innovation systems. The importance of integrating strategic planning with operational management methods is highlighted, ensuring flexibility and effectiveness of innovative activities. A structural model of the innovation system is proposed, based on the complexity of the tasks addressed by its components, which provides the necessary flexibility and dynamism for innovative activities and ensures the rational use of resources. A key task of the innovation system is the creation of network structures that combine the capabilities of the association with the competencies of counterparties and ensure competitive positions for innovative products and technologies. It has been revealed that successful management of innovative activities is critically important for the development of processing enterprises, requiring a systematic approach and effective coordination among the participants in the process. A mechanism for the interaction of the elements of the enterprise's innovation system is proposed, which, unlike existing ones, takes into account the complex infrastructure and various financing institutions, representing an important step towards increasing economic efficiency and competitiveness of products.
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