Keywords: agriculture, agricultural machinery, market, globalization, innovative technologies, artificial intelligence, agricultural drones


The article examines innovative technologies that transform agricultural production due to information and communication technologies, the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence and machine learning, automation and robotics. In the near future, the agricultural machinery market will grow quite rapidly thanks to the introduction of intelligent equipment and intelligent farming technologies. In particular, drones for agricultural use, which have become a very popular tool in agricultural technology, helping farmers to inspect crops, take pictures and collect data. Technological advances in the agricultural industry are meeting the ever-increasing demand for automation, digitization and ecological rationality of farms. The latest trends in agriculture mark the transition to smart farming and efficient use of time and resources while reducing crop losses. Real Time Kinematic is among the technological achievements in the top technological trends that will have a significant impact on the agricultural sector in the next 10 years. RTK is critical to the accuracy of field operations. RTK is a service that allows you to receive corrections to measurements and set a position with centimeter accuracy in real time using a GNSS receiver in a network of permanently operating reference GNSS stations. Today, innovation is a source and one of the few tools of increasing efficiency available to Ukrainian farmers. In difficult conditions, Ukrainian farmers continue to feed Ukraine and the world, agricultural machinery manufacturers develop and improve their products, and Ukrainian companies continue to believe in the potential of the Ukrainian agricultural market and invest efforts in its development. Among the Ukrainian manufacturers that offer innovative equipment for the needs, it is worth highlighting «Remsintez», «Vinmashpostach», «Zavod Kobzarenko», «Dnipro Agro», Zhytomyr company A.TOM. In recent years, the introduction of information technologies in agriculture has led to adjustments in the methods of processing agricultural crops and field management. Technologies have fundamentally changed the concept of agriculture, making it more profitable, efficient, safe and simple.


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How to Cite
Holovnia, O., & Chemerys, Y. (2024). CURRENT INNOVATIVE TRENDS OF THE AGRICULTURAL EQUIPMENT MARKET IN THE GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT. Economy and Society, (66). Retrieved from