Keywords: econometrics, economic methods, economic modeling, business process management, management solutions, digitalization, digital transformation


The purpose of the article is to analyze modern econometric tools adapted to the conditions of the digital economy, as well as to determine ways to integrate such models into the process of making managerial decisions to ensure their accuracy and efficiency. The research methodology is based on a comprehensive approach to the study of econometric methods and models adapted for making managerial decisions in the conditions of digital transformation. Its basis was the analysis of scientific sources regarding existing econometric models and their use in business and management. A comparative method was used to evaluate the effectiveness of traditional approaches and the latest techniques involving machine learning and big data processing. A modeling method was also applied based on real economic data collected through digital platforms in order to identify the most effective models for forecasting and optimizing management decisions. The main advantages of using quantitative methods of data analysis, in particular regression models, time series and analysis of random processes, for forecasting economic indicators and optimizing resources are determined. The importance of adapting traditional econometric approaches to new conditions caused by the rapid development of digital technologies and big data is proven. The modern challenges of the business environment related to the need to process and interpret large sets of information generated by digital systems are considered, and ways to improve the accuracy of models through the use of machine learning and artificial intelligence are proposed. It has been proven that econometric models can significantly increase the effectiveness of management decisions in real time, providing more accurate forecasts of the development of the market situation, quick response to market changes and risk reduction. The need to integrate econometric tools into information systems for effective decision-making support in business and the public sector is determined.


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