Keywords: automation, personalization, digitization of functions, mobile accounting, data analytics, customer interaction


The article is dedicated to the analysis of the large-scale digital transformation of modern enterprises, driven by changes in key managerial functional areas. The author examines these shifts under the influence of cloud technologies, artificial intelligence, project management systems, and other tools. The purpose of this article is to identify the fundamental features, advantages, and challenges that enterprises face in the process of digitizing key management functions (specifically accounting, management, and marketing). Based on the analysis conducted, it is evident that digital transformation impacts the efficiency of enterprises and their adaptation to changing market conditions. In the context of the obtained results, the prospects for further research lie in developing a roadmap for the digital transformation of key enterprise functions. In particular, it is currently crucial to provide practical recommendations for developing and implementing a digital transformation strategy, including the identification of priority areas, risk assessment, and resource allocation.


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How to Cite
Holovachko , V., Korolovich , O., & Havrylets , O. (2024). MODERN TRANSFORMATIONS OF ACCOUNTING, MANAGEMENT, AND MARKETING OF AN ENTERPRISE IN THE CONTEXT OF DIGITALIZATION. Economy and Society, (66). Retrieved from

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