Keywords: management accounting, costs, international logistics, logistics service costs, Activity-Based Costing, Lean Accounting, ERP systems, TMS systems


The article delves into the study of managerial cost accounting in international logistics and the formation of logistics service costs. Modern cost accounting methodologies, such as Activity-Based Costing (ABC), Lean Accounting, and Standard Costing, are examined, all of which contribute to a well-grounded determination of logistics service costs and promote improved resource management efficiency. These methods not only provide insights into accurate cost allocation but also enable companies to respond more effectively to market demands and logistical challenges. The article also analyzes the pivotal role of information technologies, particularly Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Transportation Management Systems (TMS), in ensuring transparency, timeliness, and accuracy in cost accounting. The integration of such systems facilitates real-time tracking and management of resources, allowing for more efficient allocation of costs and ensuring compliance with international standards. Moreover, the study focuses on various cost distribution methods, including variable costing and job-order costing, which offer flexibility and adaptability in managing logistics operations, particularly under conditions of fluctuating demand and dynamic market environments. These methods enable firms to optimize their cost structures, providing them with the tools necessary to adapt to market volatility while maintaining operational efficiency. Additionally, the research emphasizes the importance of ensuring transparency in managerial cost accounting to build trust among clients and partners, thereby strengthening a company's reputation in the competitive global market. By highlighting the critical components of cost accounting and its implications for operational performance, this article contributes valuable insights into improving the financial sustainability and profitability of logistics companies.


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