The paper is devoted to the problems of managing the company's competitiveness potential in global environment. The relevance of the research is due to the fact that in the global environment, the enterprise needs to identify competitors in a timely manner and gradually gain advantages over competitors, constantly ensuring an active position in the conduct of competition. The purpose of the research is to identify the features of managing the company's competitiveness potential in global environment. The general methods, namely induction, deduction, and generalization, were developed in the research. The basis of the research was the publications of domestic and foreign scientists. The essence and purpose of managing the company's competitiveness potential in the global environment is defined. The peculiarities of managing the company's competitiveness potential in the global environment are characterized, which should take into account the trends of changes in the external environment and the needs of foreign markets and consumers. The complexity of assessing the company's competitiveness potential through a complex indicator, the components of which depend on the specifics of the company's activity and its strategic goals, is substantiated. The action procedure for effective management of the company's competitiveness potential in the global environment is formed, which consists of eight consecutive steps. Such steps are the analysis of the external international environment, its features and the identification of opportunities for using the company's potential; analysis of the internal environment and competitive reserves of the enterprise; formation of strategic goals for the development of competitiveness potential and determination of competitive advantages; formation of the enterprise's competitiveness potential based on a comparison of the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise and competitors; assessment of the company's competitiveness potential and formation of the company's development trajectory in conditions of global competition; development of the enterprise's competitiveness potential; forecasting the development of the company's competitiveness potential; control and adjustment of the use of competitiveness potential. The expediency of forecasting the potential of the enterprise's competitiveness in the global environment is outlined.
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