Financial planning in the production and economic activity of agrarian enterprises is an important element to ensure their stability and efficiency, especially in conditions of uncertainty and market transformations. The article examines the process of financial planning in the production and economic activity of agrarian enterprises. Factors influencing agricultural and production activity, including the digital component of the main tool in conditions of economic instability, are also separated. Methodological approaches to the application of the financial planning mechanism and its implementation in agricultural enterprises are determined. The authors analyzed the methods of financial planning of agricultural producers, which have a significant impact on stabilizing their activities, as well as increasing financial results. In the course of the research, it was found that digital technologies have advantages in drawing up strategic and operational financial plans. It has been proven that Financial planning in the production and economic activity of agricultural enterprises allows to effectively use financial resources, ensure financial stability and achieve strategic goals of the enterprise. When determining this or that method of financial planning, agricultural enterprises should take into account the effect of objective factors that directly affect the final performance indicators of their activities and are capable of increasing production efficiency. Among the considerable number of financial instruments capable of increasing the synergistic effect of the determining factors of the financial planning process in the course of making optimal decisions by commodity producers, those that reduce the fluctuations of the market environment and the impact of negative conditions of the country's economy on the production activity of the agricultural sector should be singled out. Digital technologies in the financial planning system are one of these tools. Therefore, digital technologies as a component of the financial planning process of agricultural enterprises play a decisive role in modern business conditions.
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