The concept of socially responsible merchandising, which is becoming increasingly relevant today due to growing consumer demands for corporate social responsibility, has been explored. The study emphasizes that socially responsible merchandising not only creates an attractive shopping environment but also incorporates ethical principles, environmental protection, and support for social initiatives. A proposed approach allows for evaluating the effectiveness of socially responsible merchandising strategies through their impact on shaping a positive brand image and increasing consumer loyalty. Key aspects influencing the formation of socially responsible behavior in companies within the merchandising sphere have been identified. These include the integration of environmental standards into production and trading processes, ensuring fair working conditions for all participants in the supply chain, and supporting socially important initiatives. Examples of successful implementation of socially responsible initiatives in the merchandising activities of various companies have been provided, demonstrating how such strategies can serve as tools for strengthening competitive market positions. The main challenges that companies face when implementing socially responsible strategies in merchandising have been characterized. These challenges include finding a balance between economic efficiency and social responsibility, as well as the difficulty in assessing the long-term results of such strategies. Recommendations for companies aimed at improving the effectiveness of socially responsible initiatives have been formulated. These recommendations include engaging consumers in social projects, ensuring business process transparency, and actively using social media to inform the public about the company’s social initiatives. The significance of socially responsible merchandising for strengthening the brand and increasing consumer loyalty has been revealed. It is noted that such approaches not only attract new customers but also retain existing ones, fostering sustainable relationships based on trust and mutual benefit. The prospects for the further development of socially responsible merchandising in the context of globalization, where consumers are increasingly paying attention to how companies fulfill their social obligations, have been considered. It has been proven that the implementation of socially responsible practices in merchandising contributes to the sustainable development of companies and society as a whole, as such initiatives help to reduce negative environmental impacts, improve working conditions, and support socially significant projects.
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