It has been demonstrated that the rapid development of digital technologies changes approaches to the labor market, emphasizing intellectual skills over physical abilities. This trend significantly impacts the interactions between employees, enterprises, and the state, enhancing the need to adapt security strategies at all levels. Despite numerous achievements, many theories and concepts still do not fully address the issue of management's impact on the system of financial and economic security, which prompted the choice of this topic and its relevance. The purpose of the study is to characterize the features of the functioning of modern personnel management in an enterprise. The main task within this article concerns characterizing the fundamental principles of the impact of personnel management on the system of financial and economic security. The influence of personnel management extends to the enterprise's performance indicators, such as productivity, profitability, and market share. Effective personnel management strategies are associated with increasing employee productivity through targeted training programs and productivity management systems, which encourage high performance and reward contributions to organizational success. By creating an environment conducive to employee engagement and job satisfaction, organizations can increase productivity levels in the system of financial and economic security. The key features of the essence of personnel management in a modern enterprise have been characterized. In the context of the challenges that personnel management poses to enterprises before the system of financial and economic security, further research into the impact of digitization is of significant interest. Digital technologies, particularly artificial intelligence and machine learning, can revolutionize methods of recruitment, training, and assessment of personnel, as well as change approaches to their motivation and retention.
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