Keywords: financial instruments and technologies, evaluation, risks, efficiency, transparency, management decision-making, investors


The article is devoted to the topical issues of introducing the evaluation of financial instruments and technologies, which is critically important for ensuring the effective functioning of the financial market. There is a justified need to introduce evaluation of financial instruments and technologies to ensure economic stability. This allows investors, companies and regulators to receive objective information about the risks and prospects of investments, which contributes to making informed decisions. The factors influencing the organizational and methodical mechanism of forming the initial information base for evaluating financial instruments are analyzed and systematized. A comparison of methods of evaluating financial instruments was made. A study of financial instruments was conducted and we will compare two companies Element Solutions Inc and Invesco QQQ according to indicators of profitability, subsidence and volatility over the last 5 years. In addition, modern financial instruments are often based on complex technologies, which makes it difficult to analyze and evaluate them using traditional methods. To overcome these challenges, new approaches are needed, including those involving the use of big data, artificial intelligence and machine learning. This will increase the accuracy of the assessment and reduce the level of uncertainty. Regulators also recognize the importance of evaluating financial instruments and technologies to ensure compliance of financial markets with established standards and to protect investors. In the conditions of globalization of financial markets, cooperation between national regulators becomes even more important, as it allows for the creation of coordinated approaches to the assessment and regulation of new financial instruments at the international level. Thus, the assessment of financial instruments and technologies is not only an important tool for financial risk management, but also a necessary element for ensuring the sustainable development of financial markets. Given the rapid development of financial technologies and innovations, the need to improve valuation methods is becoming increasingly urgent, which emphasizes the relevance of this issue for the modern economy.


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How to Cite
Kuznetsova, S., Strokov, I., & Kuznetsov, S. (2024). JUSTIFICATION OF THE NEED TO IMPLEMENT ASSESSMENT OF FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS AND TECHNOLOGIES. Economy and Society, (65). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2024-65-95