Keywords: organization of internal control, control elements, logistics costs, compliance control


The publication highlights the issue of organization of internal control of logistics costs of a trading enterprise. The relevance of the study of logistics cost control for the purpose of their optimization is proven. It was determined that logistics costs are the subject of research by many scientists. In particular, numerous publications highlight various aspects of logistics system management, the structure of logistics costs, the behavior of logistics costs and the impact on the performance of a trading company, the classification and methods of summarizing information on the amount of logistics costs in terms of responsibility centers, etc. A trend of growth in the share of logistics costs in the total set of costs of a trading enterprise has been established. A number of influencing factors on the formation of an effective system of internal control of logistics costs have been identified. It was determined that the most urgent challenges in the management of logistics costs are: market instability, which leads to fluctuations in demand; increased competition; changes in the regulation of legal norms and environmental standards; changes in the political situation affecting trade restrictions, customs tariffs, taxation; risks in supply chains and unforeseen events. A connection was established between the level of accounting support for logistics activities and the level of organization of internal control of logistics costs. Alternative options for improving the organization of internal control of logistics costs are proposed. The potential possibilities of implementation of compliance control at commercial enterprises are considered. The effectiveness of continuous monitoring across the links of the logistics supply chain has been proven. An assessment of the elements of the internal control system of the trading enterprise was carried out in order to identify the risky and most vulnerable logistics business processes. Ways to improve the organization of internal control of logistics costs are proposed. Prospective directions of research in terms of identifying compliance control of logistics activities are outlined.


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Sadovska, I., Nahirska, K., & Tluchkevych, N. (2024). ORGANIZATION OF INTERNAL CONTROL OF LOGISTICS COSTS OF TRADING ENTERPRISES. Economy and Society, (65). Retrieved from