The article is devoted to identifying the essence and role of the efficiency of enterprise activity under current conditions. It was defined that efficiency is a complex and multifaceted category, which characterizes the enterprise’s activity comprehensively. The scientific approaches to the definition of “efficiency” concept essence were studied, as a result of it the author’s understanding of the researched category was offered. It is proposed to understand efficiency as a complex characteristic which reflects the ratio between the results of activity and costs or resources involved for achieving such a result, and defines the perspectives of economic entity functioning and development in a long-term period. The characteristic features of efficiency as of an economic category were distinguished, such as complexity, comparative character, dependance on both external and internal environment, being one of the key criteria for managerial activity assessment. The relationship between efficiency and related concepts, such as effectiveness, productivity, economy, was considered. It was determined that complexity and comprehensiveness of efficiency defines its types manifestations. On the basis of study, the classification of efficiency types was provided by the following features: by the obtained result, by the management level, by the method of calculation, by the nature of interests, by the degree of increase in effect. It is proposed to expand the existing classification by adding the feature “by the field of manifestation” and to highlight, in accordance with this feature, such types of efficiency as resource (by the types of economic resources – efficiency of technical, material, human, financial resources, etc.), activity (by the types of activity – efficiency of operational, investment, and financial activity), and functional (by the functional spheres of management – production, sales, logistics, innovation, security efficiency, etc.). It was found that the prospects for further research are in the field of studying and improving the mechanism of managing the efficiency of the enterprise.
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