Keywords: scoring, scoring model, integrated indicator, solvency assessment, leasing operation, lessee


The article deals with the concept of solvency, namely: formed various interpretations of researchers who considered this category and made appropriate assumptions about the essence of this concept. The inadmissibility of substituting the concepts of "creditworthiness" and "solvency" in the practice of leasing relations is emphasized. Emphasis is placed on the need to determine the solvency of a potential lessee, to determine its ability to timely and fully pay its debtors. The main directions of solvency assessment for leasing purposes are formed. The required effective formats of solvency assessment in modern conditions are highlighted, which will allow codetermine the aspects of solvency of future leasing entities with high accuracy. It is necessary to use scoring to assess the solvency of potential lessees, namely, in a timely manner and in full to fulfill their obligations to the leasing company. An in depth understanding of the essence of scoring, as well as its interpretations and characteristics those position it as the most successful example of the use of mathematical and statistical methods in modern business processes. It is noted that the construction of a scoring model involves the formation of appropriate information support, the creation of which is divided into a number of stages. The stages of construction of the scoring model are also outlined and its main planes are indicated. It is emphasized that the initial information in the analysis of leasing operations by scoring is a report of the established form on the analysis of the leasing project, which contains the data necessary to determine a particular agreement, as well as the integrated probability of reliability, loss and more. It is motivated that the differences between the leasing and credit operations create a number of additional parameters that should be taken into account when building a scoring model. That is why scoring models used in leasing companies have their own specific features, dictated by the specifics of this activity. It was found that the application of the scoring model of solvency assessment will speed up the analysis of applications submitted to the leasing company; help predict the company's financial risks; will allow you to clearly assign a potential customer to a group using the integrated value of indicators.


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How to Cite
Havryliuk, V. (2021). SCORING MODEL AS A METHOD OF SOLVENCY ASSESSMENT. Economy and Society, (27).