The article is devoted to the analysis of the level of financial sustainability of Ukraine, taking into account the forecasts of international analytical agencies.It was found that despite the active containment of inflation, the level of purchasing power of the population has significantly decreased: in 2023, food costs and mandatory payments on average were about 66% of the Ukrainians’ budget, which is 2.5 times higher than the global average. At the same time, the country's real GDP did not reach the level of 2021. The article examines forecasts of Ukraine's GDP growth in 2024 based on data from national authorities and international analytical agencies. It is determined that during the first half of this year, the budget plan for revenues was done by more than 50%, mainly due to tax revenues. Power outage and small business interruptions as a result, likely will not increase tax revenues in the second half of the year. Ukraine continues to increase its budget deficit. In 2023, the deficit reached a record high both in monetary terms and as a percentage of GDP, reaching 20.4%. Accordingly, the amount of public debt, including external debt, is also growing. In 2023, it exceeded 84% of GDP, and Forbes Ukraine analysts predict that in 2026 it will exceed 100% of GDP. Oxford Economics analysts predict the price of dollar will increase for 1.3 UAH by 2027. Taking into account that most of the debt is denominated in foreign currency, the National Bank of Ukraine should take steps to prevent the devaluation of the national currency that is currently taking place. An important aspect of ensuring the financial stability of the state is its population as owners of small and medium-sized businesses, a source of labor, and consumers of goods and services. Before the war started, the number of births did not ensure the natural reproduction of the population. After the start of a full-scale war, the number of population declined due to military operations and migration processes. A lot of peole are not going to come back to the country. It is threatened not only the level of financial stability but also the possibility of population reproduction in the post-war period.
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