Keywords: small business, tax regulation, tax levers, analysis of financial statements, tax modeling


The purpose of the article is to study the principles of modeling the impact of various tax levers on the development of small business based on the analysis of existing tax mechanisms, as well as to determine the optimal tax conditions that will contribute to the growth and stability of small business entities. The methodological basis of the study is the methods of system analysis, which were used to identify the relationships between tax policy and economic indicators of enterprises, as well as sensitivity analysis to assess the response of business to changes in the tax environment. The methodology also includes a comparative analysis of different tax regimes and their impact on small businesses. It has been determined that small businesses play a key role in shaping the national economic environment, providing jobs, promoting innovation and supporting social stability. The article examines the issue of the influence of tax levers on the development of small business in the conditions of the modern economy. It has been proven that the effectiveness of its development largely depends on the tax policy, which can both stimulate growth and inhibit the development of entrepreneurship. It was found that the purpose of modeling is to determine the impact of various tax levers on the economic indicators of small enterprises, in particular on their financial results, employment level and investment activity. The necessity of applying economic-mathematical modeling methods to assess the influence of such factors as tax rates, tax benefits, simplified taxation systems and tax administration on the activities of small enterprises is proven. It was determined that the optimization of tax levers can help increase the economic activity of small businesses and stimulate investment activity. The practical value of the article lies in the formation of approaches to assessing the impact of tax levers on the development of small businesses, which can be used to optimize tax policy. The results of the study can help state authorities in the formation of effective tax conditions aimed at supporting and stimulating the growth of small businesses.


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