Keywords: economic security, strengthening mechanism, functional goals, entrepreneurial activity


The directions of strengthening the economic security of business activity correspond to the achievement of practical goals and objectives in the process of rebuilding and restoring the Ukrainian economy. Therefore, there is a need to expand and strengthen the tools and components of the mechanism for strengthening economic security by deepening and substantiating its functional goals of entrepreneurial activity. The purpose of the conducted research was the need to deepen and substantiate the components of the mechanisms for strengthening economic security in connection with the change in the vectors of the development of entrepreneurial activity and the clarification of its functional goals. The methodological basis of the research is the methods of dialectics, the methods and principles of scientific knowledge, the tools of economic analysis regarding the formation and adjustment of the components of the mechanism of strengthening economic security in accordance with the functional goals of entrepreneurial activity. The main hypothesis of the study was the assumption about the possible sustainability of entrepreneurial activity in various areas thanks to the adjustment of the mechanism of strengthening economic security at the operational, tactical and strategic levels of management. The article proves that modern mechanisms for strengthening the economic security of entrepreneurial activity should be aimed at deepening, developing and establishing entrepreneurship, uniting, consolidating and unifying all tools and components of the mechanism. It was determined that the mechanism for strengthening economic security should be oriented to the priority goals of entrepreneurial activity, and its adjustment should take place in accordance with the change in priorities of entrepreneurial activity at the operational, tactical and strategic levels of management. It is substantiated that each level of business management can have its own mechanism for strengthening economic security, which must be matched by a set of indicators that assess the level of security and the results of achieving the intended functions and tasks. The originality and practical value of the obtained results is confirmed by the approbation of the proposed approaches in various spheres of entrepreneurial activity.


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